- 12 JunDay 1
- 13 JunDay 2
- 14 JunDay 3
- 15 JunDay 4
- 16 JunDay 5
- Workshop 1
- In Conversation with Design Masters Series I

Building a Better Business using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method
This hands-on workshop will introduce the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and demonstrate how it can be used to develop better business solutions.
About Per Kristiansen
Venue: Metta, (21/F California Tower, 30-32 D'Aguilar St, Central, Hong Kong)

Experiences Beyond Space
Moving beyond style, design concept, or furnitures; the true luxury to space is about the emotion and experience, something that can be felt, react to, and even have an influence to the person within.Such experience and interactions between human, design, and all the tidbits are powerful and impactful; however a multifaceted task to realise. From emotion, human familiar and design practice, Ed Ng will share anecdotes from the front lines with concrete examples that are relevant even beyond the design of spaces.About Ed Ng- Workshop 2
- Workshop 3
- In Conversation with Design Masters Series II

Healthcare Service Design: Discovering through Patients’ Eyes
Participants will learn about “Empathetic Observation” and “Creative Thinking”, phases that are both crucial for designing better hospital services.
“Empathetic Observation” includes VR to experience hospital environment, emotions before/at/after treatment, information, etc. After observing, participants will find core values and develop them into problem-solving ideas.

East Meets West: Innovative Storytelling in Branding
Starting from the idea that our cultural frames work as filters towards the perceptions of beauty, we will analyse how cultural differences bring to different narratives of beauty in the fashion, cosmetics and jewellery industries.
Through the analysis of several brand cases, we will explore 3 different approaches:
- East by West: How Western brands represent the East in their branding strategies?
- East by East: How Eastern brands convey their Eastern identity in their branding strategies?
- East meets West: Examples of brands where the oriental and western elements are mixed in different perspectives.
About Gianvito D'Onghia
Compact Living
With increasing demands for housing to combat the hyper-urbanized population, compact living has become a popular global phenomenon. Gary Chang, the Managing Director and Lead Designer of EDGE Design Institute Ltd., has a long practice of compact home and always holds the belief that “a limited space does not mean a compromised living standard.” In these projects, 7 strategies were governed to achieve maximum spatial efficiency and configuration, recede from any claustrophobic preconceptions while providing all daily necessities and amenities.
About Gary Chang- Forum 1 – LIVING
- Forum 2 – CONNECTING
- InnoDesign Leadership CEO Forum

More Years More Opportunities
Increasing age leads to higher demand for support services. The Norwegian government is actively working to integrate new technologies for sustaining activities of daily life for the elderly population. We are aware though, that new technology may be of general importance to society in ways that we still cannot imagine. Creative design will no doubt be a very important driving force in widening our possibilities.

Health Through Community - A Design Collaboration
Can you realize better health merely as a function of residing in an intentionally designed community? An ambitious collaboration between five unlikely partners in Austin, Texas believes that it’s possible. A university institute, an artist, a children’s museum, a real estate developer, and a multinational healthcare company are engaged in a holistic rethink of the tired, ineffective mechanisms we’ve employed for decades. Utilizing a creative process that combines visual arts, learning and exhibit design, as well as new approaches to data visualization, this collective is behind an effort to raise a community's health consciousness and literacy, to empower and enable them to act on their own behalf, to develop new insights into the priorities of residents, and ultimately to create offerings that have a marked impact on their collective health.

Public Healthcare Service Design in Seoul
Seoul has 13 public hospitals with different purposes. They are specialized hospitals for children, geriatric, psychiatric, dental for disabled, and also general hospitals over 600 beds.HUDC(Human Understanding Design Center) designs to improve hospital experiences in various aspects, such as patients' emotion, better working environment and process for employees. I want to share how we approach these different yet crucial issues through service design methodology.

Age At Home Through Design Solutions
The ageing population has become a serious social issue from Hong Kong to the globe. The issue of inadequate accommodation and elderly care has emerged as an increasing burden for the government and the community. While limited public and private run nursing homes are available in the market, “Ageing in Place” seems to be one of the best solutions.
Longevity Design House Founder & Chief Designer Mr. Vincent Mo is committed to fostering the vision of “Ageing in Place” with elderly-friendly solutions in the community. He is gifted with creating cozy living space of his style, with a good matrix of interior design, environmentally friendly materials to using high-tech appliances connecting to medical platforms for his clients.

On Compact Home: A Global Phenomenon
With increasing demands for housing to combat the hyper-urbanised population, compact living has become a popular global phenomenon. The fight for personal space within a high-density society of heightened living standards has never been so challenging. Projects of EDGE are designed with time-based transformation in mind for users to experience a much more spacious living condition without compromising the quality of living. By careful design consideration of space, time and material for the optimal spatial arrangement, multiple scenarios could be choreographed to suit the human behavioural pattern at different durations of the day.
Gary Chang, the Managing Director and Lead Designer of EDGE Design Institute Ltd., has a long practice of compact home and always holds the belief that “a limited space does not mean a compromised living standard”. In these projects, 7 strategies were governed to achieve maximum spatial efficiency and configuration, recede from any claustrophobic preconceptions while providing all daily necessities and amenities.

Futures Making: Envisioning Inclusive living in Global Tomorrows
Design has played a major role in shaping the day-to-day realities of people’s lives, from the products we consume to the built environments we live amongst. That said, as we now transition fully in to the 21st Century, new realities face our global societies, from the effects of climate change to mass urbanisation and the rise of ubiquitous mobile technologies. These 21st Century realities require design to do more than just our day-to-day change, they require envisioning a future to build towards. In which designers have an opportunity to make futures where inclusive living is at the centre of our Global tomorrow. Inclusive Futures Making is an ongoing project that Sean has led across the globe as a vehicle to explore the inclusion of diverse global and social perspectives from Africa to Asia into applied speculations for global development and industry.
About Sean Donahue

Human 2.0 – Virtual Reality Potential and Risks in Social Inclusion
What is “Immersion” and how is it used in Virtual Reality technology?
You will learn about:
- Medical, humanitarian and social potential of VR - development of empathy in artificial worlds.
- Risk research -as important as potential research – Digital globalization of social communication can paradoxically lead to development of new socially excluded groups.
- How Virtual Reality creates parallel space in which excluded groups can achieve equality of skills and chances.
- How Virtual Reality can fulfill dreams of children in beds at oncology clinics, seniors, handicapped and other excluded groups.
- Where are we going in Social VR development?
About Piotr Łój
AI-empowered future
AI has been a hot talking point for the last couple of years and there are huge amount of discussion around the technology and the application in a commercial landscape. However, the implication of AI to the consumer and user perspective has been less talked about. In this session, we will explore what are the future potential commercial AI applications and what does it mean to the end user.
About Sai Chin Li
Designing the Future of Healthcare
McLaren Applied Technologies is on a mission to improve lives through their unique approach to innovation. They combine design, technology and decision science to create smart, high performance products and processes. This talk will discuss the pivotal role design must play in guiding the creation of novel technology solutions to improve health outcomes, reduce health inequality at a cost we can all afford.

Designing for Impact and Returns
As the backbone of the organisation, the world’s biggest design prize, INDEX: Award, is a continuously thriving source of sustainable design. Over the past 10 years, the Award has received over 6,000 nominations from over 100 different countries.
Each biennial award cycle all incoming nominations are boiled down to a pool of finalists by its international jury, and while only five winners are ultimately chosen, the finalist pool still offers some of the best design solutions in the world – demonstrating a growing pipeline of great ideas ripe for investment and impact.
This talk will cover cases in how trends within new technologies can have the potential to solve global challenges. For instance how emerging technologies can enable and address pressing social needs.
These cases offer investment opportunities for governments, investors and stakeholders to take risks in investing into purpose-driven entrepreneurs and companies - making investments into a sustainable future needs risk willingness from all sectors of society - everyone from customers/users through to governments and investors.
About Liza Chong
Connecting Communities Through Design
Design research that creatively engages with citizens and communities is playing an increasingly important role in design practice, becoming a key strategy for innovation. Effective engagement of communities with design tools and design thinking allows the opportunity to go beyond simply designing for, to designing with people.
This presentation will describe a series of case studies where creative citizens and inclusive communities have been engaged in genuine collaboration, not only as a means of insight generation, but also towards the co-authoring of citizen-generated actionable design outputs. Chris will be talking about work in the digital realm, urban design and routes towards nudging healthier lifestyle choices.

Moderator: Rama Gheerawo, Director, The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art

The Future of Societal Health
The nature of human health and disease has changed. A hundred years ago, less than 1 in 6 deaths was from chronic disease. Today, nearly 70% of deaths globally are from chronic diseases and they consume the vast majority of our health spending. However, in the same period of time, our societal models for providing healthcare have changed very little in response. A wholly new model, enabled by design, provides us with the best opportunity to address this paradigm shift.
About Stacey Chang
It's not about the Bus: The Future of Mobility is on Your Handset
About Jonah Houston- Forum 3 – MOVING
- Roundtable – Designing Public Services: Living Well in the City

Designing Mobility Ecosystems
The future of moving is more than transporting people, goods, or even the nodes of a mobility network. An influx of technology, new service providers, and even new definition of mobility itself signals the ushering in of a new understanding of mobility.
We’re at an inflection point in the history of transportation as a confluence of technology, communication, service, vehicle design, urbanisation, population growth, scarce resources, and experience are forcing a complete and total reimagination of the industry.
There have never been as many players in mobility as there are today and the field grows by the day. Because designing for moving means integrating traditional providers into a complex multi-provider network that fosters connections across space, time, and experience the opportunities for design to help create new products and services has never been greater than it is today.

The Society We Want to Realise with the Next Generation Taxi
Our society in 2020 aims to be a universal, environmentally-friendly, safe and secure place, with mobility playing a key role in achieving this. Taxis are an integral part of any cityscape, forming an essential part of door-to-door transport. Toyota’s approach to creating a ‘next generation’ taxi is to take the shape and form of “the spirit of hospitality" and bring that approach to life through design and engineering. Their aim is to design an iconic, next generation taxi based on usability and long-lasting design, creating a vehicle that is inclusive of driver and passenger needs.

Navigating (Complex) Cities: The Power of Design & Data
As cities grow in size, so does the complexity in navigating them. Citymapper started as an app in 2011 to help people navigate London using open data and human-centric design. Today, Citymapper covers 39 cities, including Hong Kong. Design is not just about layouts, buttons and colours — it is also about the approach and resources used in solving problems. In the past six years, Citymapper has built tools to enhance cities’ data and at the same time, Citymapper has learnt about how people move in cities, and how cities can move people better. On May 9, 2017, Citymapper launched its Smartbus. It is the reinvention of the bus, a bus for the smart city era, a bus designed the Citymapper way with Citymapper bus tech. Join us in exploring how to navigate cities through the power of design and data.

Pushing Boundaries: New Transport Design from Norway
Legislation is not always an innovation killer – but sometimes a driver for it. Setting directions and ambitious goals that challenges creativity and invention, combined with the wish to go the extra mile without compromises creates amazing results in a technology driven industry.
In Norway inclusive design has been a government focus for more than a decade, with a cross-political commitment to succeed in the vision of making Norway an inclusive society. The tool for achieving this is The Government Action Plan for Universal Design, where 12 Ministries are responsible for reaching the milestones set in the plan for their sector, such as The Ministry of Transport. The Norwegian citizens are already reaping the fruits of this commitment and investment in public, sustainable transport and can experience delightful, inclusive passenger transport at land and at sea. Here we explore the incentives, process and results from some lighthouse Norwegian transport solutions ranging from passenger ferries, trains, light rails and buses.
About Onny Eikhaug
MTR Delivering Better Service by Design
The presentation will showcase some of the new features and customer service initiatives that MTR has recently implemented to improve customer service in one of the world’s busiest metro systems. Starting with the premise that every one of the five million plus trips taken on the MTR each day is a personal journey, the presentation will show how a diverse range of new equipment, design features and customer service enhancements are combined to enhance the experience of using the MTR.
About Andrew Mead
Driverless Futures: The Rise Of Autonomous Vehicles
From flying carpets to science fiction movies, autonomous vehicles have gripped our imagination and featured in folktales and films across the world. They signal the greatest change to mobility since the invention of the internal combustion engine. So how can design help to increase the acceptance and adoption of driverless vehicles?
People see the rise of the driverless vehicle in a variety of ways including the excitement of new possibilities, fears over lack of control, eagerness to experience it first-hand and outright scepticism. GATEway is an £8m research project, funded by the UK Government, which aims to understand and overcome the technical, legal and societal challenges of implementing automated vehicles in an urban environment. The Royal College of Art leads the public engagement work package, holding co-creation workshops with people of all ages and abilities. Novel, inspirational ideas will be shown, that rethink two areas:
1) How we engage people in the process of designing new forms of mobility
2) The possibilities that driverless vehicles can open up for business, society and government
About Rama Gheerawo
(By invitation only)
- Workshop 4
- Workshop 5
- Workshop 6

Creative Leadership is Serious Business: 3 Value-driven Propositions
Do you want to be more creative? Do you want to become a better leader both personally and professionally? This workshop brings together tried and tested’ methods in the field of design with those from business leadership to present an exciting new area for your development – Creative Leadership. The facilitators have developed and used these techniques with over 100 organisations, including major business, governments and the third sector.
We will tell you about three BIG ideas to help you become a more effective and creative performer. This is a workshop for those who want to be the change-makers of tomorrow, and is for everyone including designers, business people, marketers, academics and entrepreneurs.
• You will reflect on your own personal practice.
• You will see your strengths and weaknesses.
• You will face up to your preconceptions, step over them and walk out the door ready to see the world differently … act confident to act differently
• You will step beyond your personal limitations, stretch yourself and see how you can transform yourself organizationally.
• You will experience positive change.
Creative Leadership is an important part of innovation in the 21st Century and this will be the first opportunity for you to experience this workshop in Hong Kong.
By attending you will:
• acquire the knowledge to transform your innovation practice
• develop personally as a creative leader
• create positive self-reflection for effective change
• support and embed learning by group activities and workshop
• acquire new working practice to develop your innovation standpoint both personally and organisationally
About Rama Gheerawo About Onny Eikhaug
Design Safari: A Practical Workshop in Design Thinking and Design Doing!
This workshop is for designers and non-designers alike. It takes participants through a people-centred creative process that engages diverse people as a point of inspiration and design innovation. You will journey through Hong Kong to meet directly with people who have differing social needs - people of different ages, abilities and with different attitudes and perspectives. You will explore a creative process where you will learn how to observe the day-to-day interactions of our built and social environments, including interviewing people to understand issues and use this as ways to explore new trajectories for design, innovation and social impact.
You will then use “rapid prototyping” methods to “ideate” and “create quickly”, producing design proposals in a short period of time. You will go through the whole design process in one day!
- You will advance your creative capabilities
- You will see how to use and apply people-centred design
- You will learn prototyping methods you can use the very next day
- You will see how to use design to make a social impact
The workshop will introduce you to practical tools that can be used immediately and will showcase innovative approaches to communication, product and service design that are being used around the world to create leading edge global innovations.

Seeing the World With Data Visualisation Glasses
Wes will discuss the process of visualizing data. How to collect data, analyze it, and ultimately work with it to create visualizations, are the key points of focus in this class. This class is geared for anyone new to data visualization or those with experience who'd like to brush up on their skills.
*Lunch will not be provided for all forums and workshops.