Include 2017 looks at how we deal with society’s toughest issues – such as ageing, health, mobility, new technology, policy, citizenship and community. Radical shifts in all these areas impact how we do business, whether we are an individual, start-up, medium-sized business, large corporation or a government department. Inclusive Design, the philosophy on which the conference is based, is design with both social value and with business value, looking to net you the widest number of stakeholders, by understanding their needs and addressing their aspirations.


Include 2017 is for anyone looking to innovate – a conference for designers and non-designers alike with inspiring lectures and workshop from the world’s leading experts. It is for everyone including policy makers, business executives, urban-planners, healthcare advocates and practitioners, entrepreneurs, designers, architects, marketers, academics and students. In fact, it is a must-attend event for you if you are looking to grow your impact, make difference to people’s lives, to understand your users and stakeholders and learn ‘cutting edge’ innovation techniques that can create personal and organizational transformation at the level you need right now.


Working with users with diverse needs, capabilities and aspirations, design can help us to address and tackle complex and pressing issues around the globe, to improve everyday life in the home, workplace and community, and to co-design and co-create an inclusive, resilient and future-facing society.

We will look at how design can help you create change, address the issues relevant to you along the following themes:

KODW 2017 Living     LIVING

‘Age’ and ‘Health’ are two main drivers that radically affect how we live in the 21st Century. Both influence the majority of products, environments, systems and services that we create. (Read More)

 KODW 2017 Connecting    CONNECTING

Digital technologies are increasingly present in almost every area of our lives, yet many barriers still exist to selecting, learning and using software, hardware, devices and services. This strand takes a people-centred approach to understanding user behaviour, digital interactions and communication needs for a range of individuals and community networks. It will address two major topics – ‘Social Digital’ and ‘Community Unity’. (Read More)

KODW-2017-Moving     MOVING

Mobility is increasingly at the centre of our urban life. The advance in technology, connectivity, transportation and Big Data have transformed the way we perceive, connect and interact with our vehicles and their surroundings and, ultimately, the way we experience our cities. This forum will address ‘Urban Mobility’ and ‘Increasing Intelligence’. (Read More)

KODW 2017 incorporates the Include conference which has run every two years since 2001 by our co-organiser and programme strategic partner – The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design (HHCD) at the Royal College of Art in London. 

About HHCD:

The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design  is the Royal College of Art’s largest centre for design research and an international leader in people-centred and inclusive design. We use design to deal with some of the most challenging social issues that currently face us.

Founded in 1991 and endowed by the Helen Hamlyn Trust, the centre is an award-winning organization that conducts design projects with industry, government, academia and the public sector that improve people’s lives. Our approach is inclusive and interdisciplinary, and we have completed circa 280 projects with around 160 partner organisations to date. The Centre has built a worldwide reputation, having worked in a variety of sectors across the globe, creating impact projects and developing new methods and practice within the field of inclusive design. 

Our activities are based around three research spaces – Age & Diversity, Healthcare, and Social & Global. Each area is championed by academics and expert practitioners who lead a team of researchers and designers to produce a range of inclusive design projects that are business-driven, public-facing and community-centred.

Today the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design combines a people-centred approach with application by industry – core expertise in designing for older people has extended to design for healthcare, workplace and the urban realm. We constantly evolve our approach – working with emerging technologies, with new and diverse communities, and expanding our definition of exclusion to encompass issues such as cultural or economic exclusion. We do not see people as the passive subjects of research, but as evaluators, creators, instigators and even authors of their own solutions. We design with people, not simply for them.